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Registration Terms

It's a privilege to be a part of our community. You may lose that privilege by violating our terms and conditions.


  1. Messages sent via our services solely express the views of the messages authors, and does not represent the community as an entity.
  2. You may not use our services for any illegal purpose or in violation of any local, state, national, or international laws.
  3. You may not violate any obligation to a third party, including by infringing or violating intellectual property or NDAs.
  4. You may not use our services to distribute any kind of unauthorized solitications or promotions.
  5. You may not post or transmit content on or through our services that is obscene, invasive, defamatory, misleading or incites an illegal act.
  6. You may not post or attempt to gain personally identifiable information about other users on or through our services.
  7. You may not post, use or attempt to use another’s account or personal information on their behalf.
  8. You may not witch-hunt, impersonate another person, or misrepresent your affiliation with an entity when using our services.
  9. You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to our services software or hardware through VPN, hacking, mining or any other means.


Additional rules may apply. If you wish to terminate this agreement, you may immediately stop accessing or using our services.

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