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Campaign 7.0 Leadership Applications


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The Joint NA/EU Campaign 7.0 is Here!


For Each Faction we will Need:






(These should preferably be opposite timezones, if the Faction Leader is NA then the Second in Command should try and be EU)


If you want to be a Faction Leader or 2IC then you will NEED a Microphone and be prepared to be active for the majority of events.


Officers and Generals can apply here but can also be chosen by the Faction Leader


If you think you have what it takes to lead a Faction then fill out the form beneath:


NRP In-Game Username:


Discord Username:


Steam: (Link to your profile)


Preferred role: (Faction Leader/Second in Command/General/Officer)


Preferred faction: (Felderburg/Poitres/Breytona)


Why you'd like to lead: (Multiple Reasons)


What makes you a good leader: (Multiple Reasons)


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NRP In-Game Username: Chinese


Discord Username: english#3855


Steam: (Link to your profile): https://steamcommunity.com/id/Chinese_Propaganda/


Preferred role: Fuck it, Faction Leader


Preferred faction: Breytona or campaign gets boycotted 👊


Why you'd like to lead: Havent lead a faction since the 3rd campaign, reckon its time to charge head long into the valley of death for one last soiree. 


What makes you a good leader: 

  • I have been an officer/high command for every single winning faction in a campaign. 🙌
  • Im not racist 🙊
  • Im a competent leader 😼
  • I am the joint most decorated soldier in the history of NRP 🎖️
  • I LOVE NRP  💕



EDIT: Thanks for the reacts/reputation, it means a lot!



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On 9/4/2020 at 9:51 PM, Chinese_Propaganda said:

NRP In-Game Username: Chinese


Discord Username: english#3855


Steam: (Link to your profile): https://steamcommunity.com/id/Chinese_Propaganda/


Preferred role: Fuck it, Faction Leader


Preferred faction: Breytona


Why you'd like to lead: Havent lead a faction since the 3rd campaign, reckon its time to charge head long into the valley of death for one last soiree. 


What makes you a good leader: 

  • I have been an officer/high command for every single winning faction in a campaign. 🙌
  • Im not racist 🙊
  • Im a competent leader 😼
  • I am the joint most decorated soldier in the history of NRP 🎖️
  • I LOVE NRP  💕

As the greatest campaign commander to have ever lived (for I have vanquished the Tax Collector as a commander and whipped Warclever as cav general, feats rarely, if ever, replicated by others), I hereby unanimously proclaim Chinese to be King of Breytona


Mars Gradivus has awoken from his Elysian slumber that commenced when Austria struck the final blow against Prussia in the third campaign, and has declared that victory is the inherent right of every son of Breytona under Chinese.
Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, these three names in which matchless glory shall inhabit forever, have sent their emissary and sole worldly equal: Florian, to command the cavalry of the great King Chinese, to ensure that the will of Mars, that will being the destruction of all enemies of Chinese and Breytona, shall be carried out.


Chungus Vult

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NRP In-Game Username: [HA]King_Uneasy_of_Ally or TheUneasyAlly


Discord Username: TheUneasyAlly#7901


Steam: (Link to your profile) https://steamcommunity.com/id/RedWolfProductions/


Preferred role: (Faction Leader/Second in Command/General/Officer): Faction Leader


Preferred faction: (Felderburg/Poitres/Breytona)
I don't really know what the difference is between the two, I would appreciate you messaging me about it so we can choose one, but off on name probably Breytona. 


Why you'd like to lead: (Multiple Reasons)
- Ensuring fairness is very important to me because I used to be an admin for old servers on mount and blade (message me if you want to know)
- I like to make everyone feel involved cause we all at the end of the day want to have fun from this event it isn't always about winning, although winning does feel fantastic. 

- I would want to coordinate the forces to make it an advanced an progressive war not just a bunch of individualized lines running around and not listening or helping each other, aka I want to make it look professional while still having fun

- I would like to become better acquainted with the NRP community and of course win this campaign if I can. 


What makes you a good leader: (Multiple Reasons)

- I have had a long standing history of leading groups in Mount and Blade and have a large amount of experience in these type of events such as with my group HA or House Ally who has done these type of events against other groups like the Empire for example. 
- House Ally is large enough to split itself into multiple lines so I have had experience in coordinating and leading attacks on a larger battlefield between lines which is something not many other commands have the chance to do because they only lead the one line, and that is something I would like to replicated with those lines under my command at the event. 

- I may not have the solution to every problem however, I think one of my abilities is to keep a level head and allow other people to make suggestions so that we can work together to find a common solution, however I always try to stress professionality and coordination, but of course that doesn't mean people cant suggest and I'll always listen and possibly incorporate it. 

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NRP In-Game Username: Depends on the faction. If selected for Felderburg, I'd be Helmet von Moltke, if selected for Poitres, I'd be Napoleon the Turd


Discord Username: Broke#1312


Steam: (Link to your profile) https://steamcommunity.com/id/ExecutiveDax/


Preferred role: (Faction Leader/Second in Command/General/Officer) Faction Leader


Preferred faction: (Felderburg/Poitres/Breytona) Felderburg or Poitres (preferece is felderburg)


Why you'd like to lead: (Multiple Reasons) Men are basically smart or dumb and lazy or ambitious. The dumb and ambitious ones are dangerous and I get rid of them. The dumb and lazy ones I give mundane duties. The smart ambitious ones I put on my staff. The smart and lazy ones I make my commanders.


Depending on which faction I'm selected to lead, I'll roleplay a specific character. Helmet von Moltke is a great commander with very few defeats. He personally orchestrated the rise of the Confederacy into a dominating martial superpower, and he has a strict code of honor that he adheres to, as seen by the rise of the Grand Empire (an event used by his political enemies to make him look bad). Napoleon the Turd is a warlord who styles himself Emperor of Poitres after the crushing defeat of Poitres during the  Breytona/Poitres war lead to the execution of King Hans. Despite being a wealthy noble with lots of land and money, this man is extremely inept and cares little for military strategy. In warfare, he often tells his generals or some hired mercenary captain to do something and has little to no direct oversight in the campaigns.


What makes you a good leader: (Multiple Reasons) Lead the Confederacy to victory many times as Helmet von Moltke. Also used to lead 100+ member gaming clan back on battle.net when that service was popular. And this kid at my job told me I'm a much better leader than the management.

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In my great wisdom I put in this application so nobody has to ping staff at a later date to put me in the high command channel.



Discord Username: Florian, Borussius Maximus


Steam: (Link to your profile) what the fuck do you need this for? you tracking me bro? you spying on me? skeepr is selling my info steam info to the chinese government? when has the steam profile of anyone ever been used in a campaign? smacks of chinese espionage to me.


Preferred role: General


Preferred faction: Breytona, that Mars himself vows shall be victorious


Why you'd like to lead: Alexander, Caesar and Napoleon have sent myself, their only living equal, to ensure Chinese's victory by commanding his cavalry. It is not that I would "like" to lead. It is my swadharma, and if I did not carry out my swadharma, then Shiva would shatter the universe asunder into an incomprehensible number of pieces in anger.


What makes you a good leader:

-I am potentially the greatest leader of men since Napoleon perished

-I am the greatest tactician to ever live

-I won more battles against the Tax Collector than he won against me, and I 4-0d him but he never 4-0d me. Nobody can say that they beat Tax over a sustained period of time except me. Scientists theorise that the blood that runs in my veins is from the great god Mars.

-After just 1 round of me commanding cav in the previous campaign (and securing victory with my cavalry through superior tactics in that round), the previous cav commander resigned and in my DMs said he knew I was a better cav commander than he. If you want to see the screenshots of the conversation because you don't believe any man could be as great as I claim to be, DM me.

Though the NRP establishment will not tell you this, I am simply the greatest campaign commander and officer to have ever lived, and my feats press firmly on the ceiling of what is possible for a single mere mortal.

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NRP In-Game Username: Jelly


Discord Username: TheNewlyGuisettedCaptainGibbons


Steam: (Link to your profile) https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198852246020


Preferred role: (Faction Leader/Second in Command/General/Officer) General/2IC


Preferred faction: (Felderburg/Poitres/Breytona) Breytona


Why you'd like to lead: (Multiple Reasons) I like leading and i'm pretty good at it, i have over 1000 hours on mount and blade. I've been part of NRP since about 2012/2013, and was an admin at that time (Haven't been active in NRP at all since 2016). I'd like to lead because i think i can effect change on the battlefield for the benefit of the faction and help make decisions that will lead to a decisive victory.


What makes you a good leader: (Multiple Reasons) I have lots of experience leading irl and in game, i'm a very able cavalryman and i'm able to execute orders swiftly and to the letter, i'm also able to improvise and try to make the best of a bad situation.

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Lord Simpson

NRP In-Game Username:Lord_Simpson or King of Sparta Gaming


Discord Username:Mr.Simpson#3055


Steam: (Link to your profile)Just Look up [6e] Simpson cause im Pretty sure im the only [6e] Simpson


Preferred role: (Faction Leader/Second in Command/General/Officer)Second in Command or Officer


Preferred faction: (Felderburg/Poitres/Breytona)Felderburg


Why you'd like to lead: (Multiple Reasons)I want to Lead men to on a Glory Campaign so and because i also lead a small regiment Called 6e Line so this would put my tactics into play


What makes you a good leader: (Multiple Reasons)My will to fight,I will hold the line to the death,I can keep the men inspired and i will lead Felderburg to a Great and Glorious Campaign.

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NRP In-Game Username: FazalStar / [narc_ta] FazalStar


Discord Username: FazeStar#2121


Steam: FazalStar


Preferred role: (General)


Preferred faction: (Poitres)


Why you'd like to lead:

(I would like to be a general to lead troops because I think I have the skill for it and this will be a chance to showcase my ability at leading troops )

I also think I can stick with the RP side of this really well


What makes you a good leader: (Well I have my own Co lead house, known as House Vai Star and I seem to be managing that well) 

Well I will be also really active

I would introduce tactics and a whole new side of strategy 


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NRP In-Game Username:Pisas


Discord Username:Pisas


Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198206816179/


Preferred role: Artillery Officer


Preferred faction:Poitres


Why you'd like to lead:I am a arty player in nw and i have joined alot battle events with arty and i think i have enough experience to lead a arty squad.And since i am in the Poitres i dont think i will be useful as a line infantry but as an artillery i can make advantages for our brave troops.Also i dont see any poitre candidate for this role.


What makes you a good leader: I know how to control and use every type of artillery in nw.I also think i do great job placing the arty in a good place in order to support the main land troops.I know the artillery drill for loading and shooting it and also can figure out the dicipline for it.

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NRP In-Game Username: fatherted99


Discord Username: FathertedFrost#3934




Preferred role: (General/Officer)


Preferred faction: (Felderburg/Poitres/Breytona)


Why you'd like to lead: 
- I wish to impact this community engaging campaign in a positive way by providing effective and strategic leadership, by listening to my seniors, and my enlisted soldiers along with my own judgement about the best way to carry out battle plans and procedures. 


What makes you a good leader: (Multiple Reasons)
- I have the ability to listen to instructions and carry them out
- I lead my own Cavalry divison in house ally
- I am extremely adept in planning battles and how to carry out operations (mostly cavalry based)
- I use to be a noobmin in NARC, I guess that means I can deal with some "rough" situations 
- I am generally just a good strategist. My style of leadership is to scout out the map before battles, and come up with some form of a plan which we can direct to officers for them to carry out, and make changes when necessary during battles.

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NRP In-Game Username: 15th_Cpt_Zachthegreat6


Discord Username: zachthegreat6


Steam: 15th Zachary Atwood


Preferred role: general or officer 


Preferred faction: whoever needs a good leader 


Why you'd like to lead: I love this game, I have good experience with 3 big regiments leading lines and I really enjoy it. I would like to have fun in a more casual  environment.  


What makes you a good leader:i can deal with people well I love talking about strategy.  I have taken part in 3 massive NW tournaments where we got to the semi finals in all of North America.  I also am second in command of the 15th Regiment of Foot 

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