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Does Anyone want to write an Essay on the growth of German Nationalism for me !


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While you'll not find anyone likely to do your homework for you, any books on Bismark and 19th Century Germany will probably be the best starting point as I'd imagine (but may be wrong so definitely don't take my word on this) that prior to I guess the 1800s the notion of "Germany" in a sense other than germanic tribes didn't really exist.

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On 24/01/2018 at 2:14 PM, ✪ SCANDYPANDY ✪ said:

While you'll not find anyone likely to do your homework for you, any books on Bismark and 19th Century Germany will probably be the best starting point as I'd imagine (but may be wrong) that prior to I guess the 1800s the notion of "Germany" in a sense other than germanic tribes didn't really exist.

Bismarck isnt the starting point of germanic nationalism. Germany was an idea that grew first in high classes of the society but we can consider this phenomenon beginning really hard during german's 1813 campaign that, BTW, is actually the period that your favorite game does explores. Napoléonic Era was a great catalysor of german nationalism because he first simplified the political borders (Creation of the Rheinbund and the Westphalian realm). Otherwise, Napoleon's occupation and oppression (germans had to pay taxes and to refuse all British merchandises) made the german people feeling unable to decide of their own destiny.

The 1813's campaign herself was really important in many points. First of all, the belligerants fought in germany, in saxony for the hardest fights, so the german people had directly a vision of what were pillages and war destructions. The germans peoples were divided, rheinbund, saxony and westphalia were "loyals" to france but prussia and austria were rivals. During the war, a lot of really important symbols of german's nations did appeared. First of all, i would say, it was their actual liberal flag. The Black,Red and yellow flag was the symbol of some independant resistants that were harrassing and trying something that was made in spain, guerrilla. It was really efficient since napoleon wasnt really able to protect his communications (He lost the most part of his horses during the 1812 russian's campaign). Another thing that became a symbol, it is the "Protection of the country" or in  german "Die Landwehr". It was a millicia raised on the order of the prussian marshall Yorck to fight against france and to complete the ranks. It can be considered as a symbol of implication of the people, but not really a democratisation of the army. People was just in service of a prussian aristocracy that didnt really wanted to give her privileges.

A beginning of germanic consciousness was during the Leipzig Battle, that isnt called the battle of nations for nothing, around 40 nationalities were presents, frenches, prussians, russians, saxons, bavarians or even finnish did fought here. And its during this battle that saxons did changed their camp and began to fight against their previous dominators. In 1913, leipzig century was celebrated, for two reasons, like usual for making the people being proud of this victory and more to give a message to French that were revanchists since 1870's war. Leipzig battle is a first great symbol of cooperation between germanic states only because they are germanic, after all, did saxons had another reason to abandon the frenches ? No, in term of forces rapports, napoleon was quite good and there was a good hope in victory, but it is this idea of being closer to our "German brothers" that pushed saxons to do this.  All of this inspired a lot the romantism after the napoleonic wars. 


Landwehr's rising inspired the Nationalist painter Carl Röchling (1855-1920) that is one of examples of how arts influenced the german nationalism . Carl Röchling is the producter of many german military paints.


After 1815 and the treaty of Vienna, europe and especially german's area want peace and dont want more to think about politics. We see a big period of romantism in germany. And here is the most important thing. These artists (Writers, painters...) wrote a lot of things inspired by the germanic old legends. The first thing I would say is the writer and poet Hoffmann, that was the first to make novels of the Fantastic Genre. And his novels were a lot inspired by Germanic Mythologies. In the whole germanic and scandinavian area, Germanic myths are explored. The most important man to know to caracterise this utilisation of Germanic myths in nationalism is Richard Wagner, that did an opera of about 16 hours called "Der ring des nibelungen", the ring of nibelungs, that is basically the remake in opera of a famous old german myth : Der Rheingold. It talks about a german hero called Sigurd that try to get the Rheingold, a ring that represents the concept of fate, it is an image to represent the germanic quest to know and accept the fate, a central point in germanic mythologies. Sigurd is the figure of the germanic man, the man that do all to follow his fate. I detail this a little because this germanic conception of the perfect man is something that got turned into the idea that the german people is better than others, the hightest point of this type of nationalism is during 1933-1945.

The willing for peace made Germanic people stopping to look for the world and they did concentrated on themselves. Napoléonic Wars were really a traumatism for german states, Prussia lost a lot of prestige during 1806 campaign, they did lost their independance... All of that was really important in their mind, but by the way it didnt stopped the growth of Liberal ideas until 1848 storm.


Some economic factors influenced the growth of this germanic nationalism, The main is the tariffs union that was the Zollwerein, it made a economic first unification, making each states economies closer to each others, in a context when german production wasnt about to be exported in other parts of the world than europe. 



So to resume my ideas, I can say that German nationalism grew up with the rememoring of the people that were here for centuries, through the myths and with some ponctual evenements that made the whole german people being fighting for the same cause, Napoléonic wars were the most important of these ponctual evenements.


I did used many French only sources, Like "Guerre et Histoire" magazine that did a focus on it, and the lecture of my Contemporary History's professor Jean-Sébastien Noel. 

Sure i'll cant give you good books in english, but I think my main idea here was to give you the big themes you should make researchs on : Napoléonic wars; Germanic Mythology; 19th germans economy and Romantism. Try to know more on these things then i think you'll have enough tools to establish a real structured idea of how did german's Nationalism Grew during 19th and after.

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On 24/01/2018 at 1:14 PM, ✪ SCANDYPANDY ✪ said:

While you'll not find anyone likely to do your homework for you, any books on Bismark and 19th Century Germany will probably be the best starting point as I'd imagine (but may be wrong) that prior to I guess the 1800s the notion of "Germany" in a sense other than germanic tribes didn't really exist.

I wouldnt be to sure about that xD

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1 hour ago, gokibouri said:

Bismarck isnt the starting point of germanic nationalism. Germany was an idea that grew first in high classes of the society but we can consider this phenomenon beginning really hard during german's 1813 campaign that, BTW, is actually the period that your favorite game does explores. Napoléonic Era was a great catalysor of german nationalism because he first simplified the political borders (Creation of the Rheinbund and the Westphalian realm). Otherwise, Napoleon's occupation and oppression (germans had to pay taxes and to refuse all British merchandises) made the german people feeling unable to decide of their own destiny.

The 1813's campaign herself was really important in many points. First of all, the belligerants fought in germany, in saxony for the hardest fights, so the german people had directly a vision of what were pillages and war destructions. The germans peoples were divided, rheinbund, saxony and westphalia were "loyals" to france but prussia and austria were rivals. During the war, a lot of really important symbols of german's nations did appeared. First of all, i would say, it was their actual liberal flag. The Black,Red and yellow flag was the symbol of some independant resistants that were harrassing and trying something that was made in spain, guerrilla. It was really efficient since napoleon wasnt really able to protect his communications (He lost the most part of his horses during the 1812 russian's campaign). Another thing that became a symbol, it is the "Protection of the country" or in  german "Die Landwehr". It was a millicia raised on the order of the prussian marshall Yorck to fight against france and to complete the ranks. It can be considered as a symbol of implication of the people, but not really a democratisation of the army. People was just in service of a prussian aristocracy that didnt really wanted to give her privileges.

A beginning of germanic consciousness was during the Leipzig Battle, that isnt called the battle of nations for nothing, around 40 nationalities were presents, frenches, prussians, russians, saxons, bavarians or even finnish did fought here. And its during this battle that saxons did changed their camp and began to fight against their previous dominators. In 1913, leipzig century was celebrated, for two reasons, like usual for making the people being proud of this victory and more to give a message to French that were revanchists since 1870's war. Leipzig battle is a first great symbol of cooperation between germanic states only because they are germanic, after all, did saxons had another reason to abandon the frenches ? No, in term of forces rapports, napoleon was quite good and there was a good hope in victory, but it is this idea of being closer to our "German brothers" that pushed saxons to do this.  All of this inspired a lot the romantism after the napoleonic wars. 


Landwehr's rising inspired the Nationalist painter Carl Röchling (1855-1920) that is one of examples of how arts influenced the german nationalism . Carl Röchling is the producter of many german military paints.


After 1815 and the treaty of Vienna, europe and especially german's area want peace and dont want more to think about politics. We see a big period of romantism in germany. And here is the most important thing. These artists (Writers, painters...) wrote a lot of things inspired by the germanic old legends. The first thing I would say is the writer and poet Hoffmann, that was the first to make novels of the Fantastic Genre. And his novels were a lot inspired by Germanic Mythologies. In the whole germanic and scandinavian area, Germanic myths are explored. The most important man to know to caracterise this utilisation of Germanic myths in nationalism is Richard Wagner, that did an opera of about 16 hours called "Der ring des nibelungen", the ring of nibelungs, that is basically the remake in opera of a famous old german myth : Der Rheingold. It talks about a german hero called Sigurd that try to get the Rheingold, a ring that represents the concept of fate, it is an image to represent the germanic quest to know and accept the fate, a central point in germanic mythologies. Sigurd is the figure of the germanic man, the man that do all to follow his fate. I detail this a little because this germanic conception of the perfect man is something that got turned into the idea that the german people is better than others, the hightest point of this type of nationalism is during 1933-1945.

The willing for peace made Germanic people stopping to look for the world and they did concentrated on themselves. Napoléonic Wars were really a traumatism for german states, Prussia lost a lot of prestige during 1806 campaign, they did lost their independance... All of that was really important in their mind, but by the way it didnt stopped the growth of Liberal ideas until 1848 storm.


Some economic factors influenced the growth of this germanic nationalism, The main is the tariffs union that was the Zollwerein, it made a economic first unification, making each states economies closer to each others, in a context when german production wasnt about to be exported in other parts of the world than europe. 



So to resume my ideas, I can say that German nationalism grew up with the rememoring of the people that were here for centuries, through the myths and with some ponctual evenements that made the whole german people being fighting for the same cause, Napoléonic wars were the most important of these ponctual evenements.


I did used many French only sources, Like "Guerre et Histoire" magazine that did a focus on it, and the lecture of my Contemporary History's professor Jean-Sébastien Noel. 

Sure i'll cant give you good books in english, but I think my main idea here was to give you the big themes you should make researchs on : Napoléonic wars; Germanic Mythology; 19th germans economy and Romantism. Try to know more on these things then i think you'll have enough tools to establish a real structured idea of how did german's Nationalism Grew during 19th and after.

I do not have words left to say :) thankyou xD 

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Hey, i'm happy to have helped you. But these first things arent all, you need to read a lot ! I just gave some first bases, but i probably missed some aspects of German history that influenced their nationalism. Good study to you mate :)

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