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Penis Inspector

Hello my name is Penis Inspector and I hate every single one of you. I don't remember how long I've been playing on NRP. I like being naked and watching GLORIOUS charge.

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I am joeriig.

I have been playing on the NRP server since 2016. I would consider myself an able ranker, someone who follows shit orders however shitty they are. I like following reckless officers and fighting my way out of the mess they create.

I very much enjoy the team-play this server provides, preferring large scale battles over the small chaotic skirmishes or sieges other servers host.

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Dzień Dobry, im Jak_Zawsze
First time i played on NRP server in 2015, but started playing a lot in middle of 2016
My Nickname in polish means 'Like Always'
SandyPandy doesnt has any sand in him
                                                                                                 See ya on server :3


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36 minutes ago, Kinree said:

Sieg Heil

I'm Kinree and I'm playing on this server since Summer 2017 (inb4 newfag get out)


My pc is shit

newfag get out

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Great_Leader_Angela_Merkel <3

I'm Merkel, I'm in the NWRP crew and #1 of the leaderboard ( https://www.59th.eu/page/nrp_leaderboard  ) and I made 4 maps for the server. I'm playing since 2015 an I was the most active player on NRP from about March 2016 until July 2017 with over 1800h playing during that time (only game I played, 20-35 hours per week). Especially in those last 5 month I was "in my element" with 100-200 kills per almost daily tryhard-session (2-5 hours). During that time I was actually pretty good at melee with some epic clutches but that all changed after July where I  abruptly stopped playing all together for 2 month.

That was caused by the very small playercount and the fact that the next schoolyear had begun and with it my Abitur (idk wut it would be in the US or UK but an Abitur(11-12 grade) is required for studying so its important). Since then I'm just playing during the weekend and the holidays and because of that and the break my skills descreased significent (especially in melee) but its still enough to hold my 3,5 K/D.                                                                


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☭Orange Soviet☭

Hey, I'm Orange Soviet and I can't hit, I normally play musical people and got I my first every Napoleonic kill in a year the other. Yay me. I joined not too long ago. 

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1 hour ago, JewishFairy said:

u know me - gay, pedo and bigfoot lover 


So THAT'S who posted all those quality responses in the survey



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[59th] Darkslayer
22 minutes ago, ✪ SCANDYPANDY ✪ said:

So THAT'S who posted all those quality responses in the survey



FBI Server admins are ready to hunt this man down sir. 

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48 minutes ago, ✪ SCANDYPANDY ✪ said:

So THAT'S who posted all those quality responses in the survey



oh, now i remember this

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Hello muh bois
My name is Alpha and im from Turkey
I'm one of the plebs in this server since 2016 Summer and one of the admins since May 2017 (I played in NRP in 2015 for a short period)

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It's ya boi, chad ningaja.:PepeEz: Been here since the big bang as a player. don't really remember the old nicknames, probably something like small penus312. My favorite thing was to rambo with the grenade class and wipe out the other team. Decided to join the admin team after 2 years or so of playing here.

The reason was, no one was around in the early hours to make the server work. Since then been badmining and doing all kinds of meme rps (don't tell scandy pls) :PepeMonkaS: But that kinda resulted in loss of muh unbelivable melee skills since i am not able to concentrate on the game itself while admining.:PepeFeelsDabMan:

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Hi, i'm hauptmann, i have actually no clue since when i play on the NRP server, but i have been playing NW since i came out (and still suck at it). If you have played arty frequently their is a good chance you killed me atleast once. I have played on several servers like 84e siege, 33rd siege or even the offical nrp battle servers but i can say that NRP has by far the most retarded, and therefore the best communtiy on NW.

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Hello, I'm Al_Paca (caspair on steam). I'm from Poland and I'm playing here for about a year. I'm awesome at being cannon fodder. I love to fight under gokis command.

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