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Vietcong RP

Pew Pew You're Dead

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Pew Pew You're Dead

hello narcoids

what would potential rules for a vietcong RP be?

I am making a map for it rn




My initial thoughts are that red area = saigon, green area = forests, blue = swamp (some rice paddies somewhere near saigon) and black / pink  = vietcong area. US not allowed to enter vietcong area, there will be tunnels so vietcong can sneak around (US can't enter too) but i don't know what a win state would be for either team.

EDIT: cat gif 


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How I see it - the RP will be presented from USA perspective, although Vietnamese also have some things to do (unlike zombie-like RPs).

Team 1: USA (infantry)
Team 2: Vietnamese (partizani/sapper)

Phase I:
USA has to maintain order and controll over their base (spawn) and small Vietnamese village.
If they want to progress further, they have to:
- Clear the jungle of Vietcong (take down their outposts)
- After taking outposts, clear the jungle village (needs some spawns for Vietcong then)
In the mean time:
- Vietnamese civilians are roaming in the jungle, most of them are tasked in settling inside the small village controlled by the USA
- Vietcong is supposed to set up ambushes, hold outposts and infiltrate civlians.

Vietcong may launch one attack on US Base per some period of time (only with infiltrators maybe). If the US Base is captured, all spawns for USA are blocked. Remaining soldiers have to retake the base but if they fall, the RP ends with Vietcong win (if remaining soldiers attack, all Vietcong may go to hold the base).

Phase II:
USA controls the jungle now. They are no longer required to hold their base or nearby village - all US soldiers go to the jungle village to maintain control over it. All civilians are flocking into the village. Vietcong needs to retake the jungle village (infiltrating civilians is encouraged). After some time, if USA is successful with maintaining control over village, we go to the next phase.

Phase III:
USA has to launch a final attack on the Vietcong base. Vietcong may again set up ambushes, but we don't assign civilians now. If USA is successful, the RP ends with US victory

Phase -I:
If USA fails in Phase II and Phase III they simply return to the previous phase by default. If they are defeated in Phase I, the RP ends.

War crimes:
The more civilians USA kills, the more Vietcong soldiers are assigned each spawn. On the other hand, Vietcong crimes are not influencing the RP.

The roleplay iteslf may be subjected to some minor changes, but that's how generally I see the RP


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USA has infinite manpower until they kill too many civilians or lose too many soldiers

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