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Stupid Steam Coversations


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An idea definitely-not-stolen from our friends over at Jailbreak, let's see some of the sillyest/stupidest conversations you've had on steam.

Please use the "spoiler" tool to stop posts being massively long (it's the little eye in the toolbar of your post)

I'll start with what I call "Pew likes Kingdom Come Deliverance"


18 February 2018
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: got t break through
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: 4 doors
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: with 1 lockpick
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: in this fucking quest
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: i can read
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: btw
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: which is good
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: cos i can brew potions
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: and sell them
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: for EASY MONEEYYY
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: >go up to undertaker
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: "mill guy undersold you"
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: >go back to mill guy
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: >undertaker is there
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: "I'LL KIC HIS FUCKING ARSE"
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: "welcome henry"
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: *walks off*
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: aw man
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: this game is soe asy now
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: :(
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: just cleared a bandit camp
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: and it was so eas
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: ho
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: lee
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: shit
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: just sold a bunch of stuff
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: for fukcing
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: 1.2K gold
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: if u tip the shop keepers
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: u can sell stuff for more to them
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: OMG
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: SOMEONE CALLED ME KNIGHT
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: I@VE MADE IT IN THE WORLD DAD
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: why can i buy dresses?
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: scandy?
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: short sword or longsword
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: longswords are more badass
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: but my fighting style is blocking rather than dodging
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: mrw
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: i'm actually ahead of the fucking IGN walkthrough
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: for this game
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: i wanted to look up
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: whether or not going back to the captain everytime u find a new lead gives u a better outcome
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: but it had no info
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: ooooooooooooooo
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: did u bang m'lady yet
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: did u suck sir radzigs dick sidequest yet?
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: did u send dickpicks to ur stalker so she would stop showing up at your work and pressing her tits against the window?
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: did u get drunk and volunteer for the US army and wake up in iraq?
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: that one was my favourite sidequest
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead is now Offline.


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[3:43:52 PM] seagull: and i have a broken wrist

[3:43:59 PM] seagull: I dunno if I can be active enough

[3:43:59 PM] Nr.1 PurplePanda: too much fap



[8:29:38 AM] seagull: Sorry dad for making a gay copy pasta

[8:29:44 AM] seagull: But the penis must rage on

[10:39:58 AM] CannonFodder: Tbh I'm mad you didn't send it to me.


All of my good ones have disappeared because I dont write them down anywhere :/

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1 hour ago, Pew Pew You're Dead said:
  Reveal hidden contents


there's a thread on 59th.phy.sx with the exact same title and premise...



Yeah thats why I acknowledged that in the original post and posted this after revealing I was stealing the idea


Keep up

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1 hour ago, Pew Pew You're Dead said:

everyone except me on this server is boring though so the only autism is gonna come through my convos

ill start spamming you again if you'd like



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Pew Pew You're Dead

lets revive this thread


20:56 - [59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: if i buy u taunts will u send me nudes
20:56 - ❤KOUHAI❤: may
20:56 - ❤KOUHAI❤: wtf thats gay
20:56 - [59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: trap pics?
20:56 - [59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: that i can send to cinnaman?
20:56 - [59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: of yourself?
20:56 - [59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: Safe for work?
20:57 - [59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: i'll buy you a medic, scout and spy taunt
20:57 - [59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: if u send me one of the above
20:58 - [59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: well?
20:59 - [59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: W E L L ?!
20:59 - ❤KOUHAI❤: gay
20:59 - [59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kKrsKkL3Gc
20:59 - [59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fsdX8pNLnA
20:59 - [59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_Ioiz9c0BA
21:00 - [59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: your loss
21:00 - [59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: i guess
21:00 - [59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: i might buy u one in may
21:00 - [59th] Pew Pew You're Dead: if u remind me

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