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What's your dream job?

Pew Pew You're Dead

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Pew Pew You're Dead

Today in "Threads stolen from www.59th.phy.sx", what's your dream job? Or your current job? Or the most realistic job?


Dream Job: Either a programmer or a journalist or a soldier

Current job: cKP

Realistic Job: Benefit scrounger

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Dream job : Work at UN (studying international law currently


Current job : dad's cuck


Realistic job : hobo down the alley


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6 minutes ago, DrStein said:

Dream job: Emperor over the world

Current job: Unemployed

Realistic job: McDonalds



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KL4R1NO the Indefatigable
5 hours ago, Minisiege said:

Realistic Job: Construction

Not surprised that you're doing the job any old Eastern European could do


8 hours ago, TichePotato said:

Realistic job: neet

finally some honesty on nrp

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KL4R1NO the Indefatigable
On 16/03/2018 at 10:31 AM, Darling said:

Dream job: Disability outreach officer


Realistic job: Actually possible to be outreach officer

I bet uve got a lot of experience with teh desabled xD


No, seriously, what does a disability outreach officer do?

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13 hours ago, KL4R1NO the Indefatigable said:

I bet uve got a lot of experience with teh desabled xD


No, seriously, what does a disability outreach officer do?


Works with schools, colleges and universities in offering support for people with disabilities. Basically I would be the intermediary between the student and their family who can point out where the groups are failing. In schools there are SENCOs, (Special Educational Needs Coordinaror), I would essentially be above them. Sort of the person between the SENCO and an Ombudsman. 


The Dyspraxia Foundation have already offered me a job if I can get through university. I'd then have the personal experience of dealing with disability while going through the education system and I can be an example for the students who I would be representing.

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Dream job: Some research job that requires biology that actually pays well

Current job: In education

Realistic job: Some research job that pays in yams instead of currency

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Dream job: multimillionaire through Startup bussines creation.


Current job: Real State Agent and Marketing assesor


Realistic job: Marketing director in a multinational company. 

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