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I've come to the realization recently that this community and more specifically this video game server, Napoleonic Role Play, is on its way out. The campaigns were a good idea, and they could have potentially saved the server - there's definitely some interest in this old and dead game (a few of my friends recently bought it after they saw me playing it).


However, the quality of the administration team has gone down considerably since it started. The original admins who started out the campaign (rather strong, btw) have moved on, and now the events are left in the hands of whoever the fuck manages to log on, and it usually happens to be Chinese, a few edgy JB kids, or one or two people who might actually want to be completely fair and unbiased but are afraid to make their own decisions when a higher ranking admin is online (Usually Chinese is online, since he's an active participant in the campaign and he's one of the highest ranking admins, being senior admin, ex-executive admin)

When I was an admin, I would either admin the server OR participate in a campaign battle because I recognize that being committed to one side of the campaign while also acting as a campaign admin (Calling all-charge) would be a severe conflict of interest. Unfortunately, the current admin team doesn't appear to share my beliefs about that. Chinese was acting as campaign admin despite committing to a single side and in doing so, he put all of NRP into the exact situation I tried to avoid when I was an admin. Despite the battle going on for 15 minutes or so and players all calling for all-charge, he thought it best to pull his team back to consolidate and get a clear advantage.


Strategically, I fully understand and support what he did. It was a smart move

But campaign admins need to be unbiased. Situations like I mentioned above are severe conflicts of interest, and they're always going to cause drama. That's why NRP campaigns need admins who are not invested in the factions themselves, but the success of the campaign/server as a whole.


Before we start the development of another campaign, we need to draw clear lines to prevent shit like this from happening again.

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As I noted in the complaint post, I will be providing my suggestions and opinions here on what can be done to prevent such events as what happened today and more from happening.


Broke does have a point when he says that the server is on the way out. Any admin will tell you the truth and that is that pop is constantly declining, and less and less people are becoming and staying interested in a 10+ year old game. It's only natural for older games such as NW to lose their lustre and popularity, and for the community to dwindle. Personally, I think this unavoidable and anything done to prevent this inevitability is only a delay of what will surely come to pass. Either Bannerlord and its mods or another game will save NRP, NW will not.


Broke does have a point concerning the admining of the campaigns; not to bash any of the selfless individuals who step up to run the event when they can, but having set admins who know what they will be doing when is best. I did not seem to see much pre-planning or prep this campaign, everything felt very much off the cuff. However I feel that the origin of this problem is in Isaac's desertion and the subsequent lack of campaign leadership. Don't get it twisted, Isaac seemed alright but I never fully trusted him. But I am willing to bet that if he had remained or if someone had at least come along to fill his shoes entirely then we would not have faced the problems I listed above. This puts across the total necessity for a head of campaign at all times to keep things organized and ensure that everything is thought out and decided ahead of time fairly.


Skipping over the all charge issue (which if you're interested in I have already mentioned in the official complaint) Broke brings up another even better point which is: who is allowed to admin during the events. Again, don't get it twisted. I haven't worked much with Chinese or had the chance to get to know him too well but he seems to be a good fellow who means well and i like him (no homo bro xP). However, this does not mean that he may admin the events despite being a committed officer in one of the factions in the campaign. Given that my suggested solution in the above section was implemented then we might not have been faced with such a predicament but in the instance that it is not enacted here's what we should do:

• Bar any admin who is attached to either faction in a significant way (such as an officer, high command, or well-known fighter for and advocate of) from running any campaign event.

• Admins with no attachments to either side should be selected to run the events by the head admin or perhaps a committee of senior admins.

• Make clear that no admin shall use their admin powers in the event other than discussion in the internal chat unless asked to do otherwise by the event admin. 

These should effectively ensure that no side gets any influence through the administrator system and ensures fair play. I can elaborate further on the reasoning for this whole section if requested but I feel like the reader gets the general idea.


Overall, the NRP campaigns, if they continue in NW or move to another game need to change. Broke is right, clear-cut rules, guidelines and regulations are necessary to prevent these issues. Perhaps a campaign rule document discussing this can be published by the higher-echelon members of the staff. A campaign itinerary that outlines in which times certain things will occur (e.g. map moves, choosing of maps, camapgin meetings/discussions) is also likely needed. Putting things on a schedule or forcing people to abide by a rulebook may make things less fun, but it will likely lead to a lot less drama at the end of every campaign if implemented, and most certainly make everything run a hella lot more smoothly.


Thanks for reading this non-troll response to a troll post xd I hope you all have a wonderful evening (according to EST atm) ~ The Guy


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